On dLife.in platform, LCHF and Keto are two separate domains and we do not use it interchangeably. Also, we have a gamut of paid services on offer. Why we stopped Free Services? Two support models on offer.
India’s per capita animal protein consumption is barely 4 kg vs 120 kg in the western world. So, we created a template that would work for Indian diaspora across the world instead of rehashing something western. Our team of experts are well qualified and experienced to handhold on following dietary preferences instead of forcing one dietary preference onto everyone:
- Low Carb & Keto For Indian vegetarians
- Low Carb & Keto for Indian lacto ovo vegetarians
- Low Carb & Keto For Indian non vegetarians
If It Is About Indian Low Carb, It Is dLife.in
Hyperinsulinemia (elevated insulin levels) is the mother of all metabolic health problems. There’s no medicine that can bring down fasting insulin levels to the ideal target value of 6 max. Only diet and lifestyle change can help in achieving the target numbers. This is the premise based on which we focus on diet change to low carb healthy fat (LCHF or Keto) diet.We have extended the same premise to all the low carb nutrition courses available on our platform and backed it up with scientific data and research.
We Help
You Attain Your
Health Goals!
Team of Experts
3 low carb doctors, 6 certified low carb nutritionists for one on one consultation in addition to the regular community support that we offer.
Raving Reviews!
Raving reviews by leading global low carb experts of the likes of Dr. Gary Fettke (AU), Dr. David Unwin (UK) Prof. Tim Noakes (SA) amongst others.

Active Community Support
Launched in 2014 August as dedicated Indian LCHF Keto community for diabetes & weight loss, it has grown to be one of the largest and most active community of Indian low-carbers (LCHF & Keto) anywhere in the world. Thereafter, we added many custom features that has parallel on any diabetes community around the world. Take the first step and Join Now!

Low Carb Nutrition
From 2019 onwards, all major diabetes associations of the world have included low carb (lchf) and very low carb (keto) diet as an option that should be provided to diabetics. In line with this we launched Low Carb Nutrition courses in India.

Low Carb Nutrition & Metabolic Health Diploma
India’s first Low Carb Nutrition & Metabolic Health Diploma with certification from NSDC Partner. A six-month, self-paced elearning method that also includes a one-month on dLife.in community. Many have graduated and few are in the process. Min Qualification: 10+2

Low Carb Nutrition Certificate - CardioDiabesity
In June 2021, launched the Low Carb Nutrition Certificate course of three months duration, including 2 weeks internship on online community of dLife.in. Focus on CardioDiabesity. Certification from a NSDC partner. Min qualification: 10+2

Low Carb Nutrition Certificate - PCOS & Obesity
In June 2021, launched the Low Carb Nutrition Certificate course of three months duration, including 2 weeks internship on online community of dLife.in. Focus on PCOS & Obesity. Certification from a NSDC partner. Min qualification: 10+2
Community Add Ons
dLife.in community section has following custom built addons integrated and is available to all Premium Members only. There are some sites which charge as much as $110/yr for items 2 through 4 only. Here, you get everything under on-time payment and no renewals subscription plan, in addition to the community support.
- DataLog Tools & 100MB File storage
- Nutrition Facts Database of 8000 items including 200+ India specific items.
- Recipe Posting Module integrated with 2 above.
- My Food Diary integrated with 2 & 3 above. Keep track of meal wise and daily macro and micronutrients consumed through diet.
- Integrated My Food Diary with the Blood Sugar testing and blood pressure per meal.
No other competing diabetes community operations anywhere around the world offer these alongwith community support.
One Time Subscription
Yes, you read it right. Across the platform for services or for Low Carb Nutrition courses, we have only one time subscription plans. So you pay once and enjoy support & access & forever. We have been in existence since 2014, running for first 3.5 years as free, so you can be sure we will be around for foreseeable future. 3 & 6 month ZERO Interest EMI provision available on credit cards from 11 Indian banks. International cards also accepted.
Why We Switched To Paid Model?
Connect with us on the relevant WhatsApp group if you have any queries.