dLife.in — a Fabulous Low Carb & Keto Resource : Amy Berger

Amy Berger

I once heard India called “the diabetes capital of the world.” Not a title any nation should aspire to. Fortunately, DLife.in is here to provide trustworthy and accurate information for people trying to reverse type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome (and all the related issues…PCOS, fatty liver, etc.), lose weight, and improve their health and quality of life in other ways. I see the success stories from DLife.in on Twitter all the time and they’re very inspiring. No one has to live with these conditions, since they are easily improved (if not completely put into remission) with nothing more than a change in diet — and it’s not exactly a hardship diet when you get to eat such delicious, nourishing foods.

Keto and low carb diets have become so popular in recent years. Along with this popularity comes a sea of sensationalist headlines and “clickbait” articles online, filled with misinformation and falsehoods that are leading people away from these highly therapeutic ways of eating, or are leading them to implement them in ways that don’t get them the best results. As other reviewers have noted before me, DLife.in is an oasis in this desert of inaccurate and potentially dangerous information. You can trust what you see here and learn from this community — and what great support in the forums, to be along your low carb/keto journey with other people to motivate and encourage each other, and celebrate the victories, large and small.

I know there’s a large vegetarian population in India. While there’s certainly no need to fear or avoid meat, poultry, seafood, and other animal foods in a healthy diet, the good news is, if you prefer to follow a vegetarian diet, you can definitely do vegetarian keto or low carb. Plenty of good fats from avocado, nuts & seeds, and dairy products if you consume dairy. (Ghee to the rescue!) The recipes here are a good resource for people struggling with what to eat or how to cook for this way of eating. Keto isn’t difficult; it’s just different from how most of us are accustomed to thinking about food, and especially about what a “healthy diet is. DLife.in can make it easier for you and most important — sustainable for the long term.

I welcome dLife.in in our low carb community. You make a big beneficial impact not just in India, but all over the world, by sharing your resources and success stories.

Amy Berger, MS, CNS

Twitter: @TuitNutrition
Author of The Alzheimer’s Antidote: Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Loss, and Cognitive Decline

Original Review Thread on the forum: DLife.in -- a Fabulous Low Carb & Keto Resource
Image Credit: Image provided by Amy Berger with permission to use on our sites

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