dLife.in Review By Dr David Unwin FRCGP

unwin 1170x650 - dLife.in Review By Dr David Unwin FRCGP

Dear dLife.in

Having spent a few days on your site I would like to congratulate you on the informative content. The recipes look delicious. I was particularly impressed by how polite, helpful and friendly everyone was.

It is so exciting to find people thousands of miles away who understand that Type 2 Diabetes for most of us is about dietary sources of glucose not just sugar but also the starchy carbohydrates like rice or potato that digest down into surprising amounts of glucose.

Keep up the excellent work

Kind regards
Dr David Unwin

RCGP National Champion for Collaborative Care and Support Planning in Obesity & Diabetes
RCGP clinical expert in diabetes
Ambassador for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Diabetes
Senior Medical Advisor Diabetes.co.uk
NHS Innovator of the year 2016
Partner Norwood Surgery
11 Norwood Ave
Southport UK
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