The Three Accredited Courses
CPDSO has awarded Official CPD Standards Office Accreditation to dLife HealthCare Foundation. The three courses available online and the CPD Hours accredited to it are as follows:
All these courses are available online and are self paced so you can enroll anytime. The access never expires, not even after completing the course. CPDSO certificates will be issued by dLife HealthCare Foundation on the completion of the course and this is effective from January 18th 2024.
What is (dLife Healthcare Foundation) is India’s oldest, largest and the only award-winning low-carb platform. It was launched in the year 2014. Some of the key highlights of this brilliant platform are- 3000+ combined success stories of metabolic diseases remission, 1200+ original low-carb/keto/carnivore recipes, 9 years of curated data, major researches, an interactive forum, Diploma and other certification programmes, and one of the largest databases owned by any single brand in the world of TCR for metabolic diseases remission. platform has been reviewed by global stalwarts like Dr Gary Fettke, Dr David Unwin, Dr David Diamond and Prof Tim Noakes and lauded for its exhaustive and world-class content.
What is Diploma Course? Is it CPD Accredited?
Yes! has three certification program which are all now accredited by the CPD Standards Office! launched its Low Carb Nutrition & Metabolic Health Diploma program in the year 2020, which is the most popular and the only course in India that applies Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction (TCR) as nutritional intervention for metabolic diseases remission.
We have now received full international accreditation for all our courses that translate into CPD hours. We are the FIRST in India to have CPD accreditation. With a massive 60 hrs. of credit allocated to our most popular Diploma course, which no other course in the world has, we are now also the biggest and the best!
Who Founded is the brilliant outcome of one man’s stubborn refusal to accept the conventional medical protocol of “managing” T2 Diabetes when diagnosed with the condition in 2011. Anup Singh, the man behind, is an engineer, a silver-medalist from the distinguished Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee and a 13th year pill-free diabetic. After being banned from a few international community sites for strongly advocating “Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction” (TCR) or a low-carb diet for Diabetes remission, Anup launched his own community–
What is the “100gm Carbs/Day on an Indian Diet for Diabetes Remission” Template?
It was Anup Singh who pioneered the template of “100gms Carbs/Day on an Indian Diet for Diabetes Remission” for Indians after experimenting rigorously with various diets. Anup realized that there was not one standard diet which specified just how low must the carb be on a low-carb diet for Indians (for Diabetes remission), which was a potpourri of the most complex, varied, carb-heavy dietary habits across India. Hence, the western model of “Low-carb is Keto” had consistently failed so far, in India. After exhaustive research, more experiments on himself and based on the “Liver’s Glycogen holding capacity” Anup eventually pioneered the brilliant template of –Maximum 100gms Carbs/Day on an Indian Low-Carb Diet for Diabetes Remission– which received path-breaking success in the remission of Diabetes in India. Today alone has 3000+ combined success stories of Diabetes and other metabolic diseases. Many people across India adapted Anup’s brilliant template and reversed their Diabetes. It is now being successfully used by hundreds of metabolic health practitioners across India.
What is CPD?
CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and it refers to the process of acquiring and updating professional knowledge, skills and experiences beyond a professional’s initial training.
What do CPD hours mean?
CPD hours denote the number of hours a professional will put in to brush up his knowledge with the latest information and skills in order to be at par with the best industry practices.
Is Getting CPD Easy?
Short answer- No! CPD Standards are a tough benchmark for any training provider to get through. Acquiring CPD SO credit of 60hrs for the LOW CARB NUTRITION & METABOLIC HEALTH DIPLOMA is in itself a badge of excellence for the course content/training provider and certifies that our course is the most exhaustive, detailed and the best in the world, so far.
Are Courses Internationally Recognized?
The CPD Standards Office accreditation is recognized internationally. Hence, certificates will now be accepted and respected across multiple countries worldwide. We are now at par with the best in the industry.
What Are the Benefits to Being CPD Accredited?
CPD accreditation itself means that your service provider’s course/content/knowledge/skills imparted to you are at par with the best industry practices. Any service accredited by the CPD Standards Office gives you the advantage and credibility to practice across 40+ countries in the world.
Are All dLife Courses CPD Accredited?
Yes! All our courses are self-paced and online. You can enrol and start the course at any time. Upon completion, you will receive a CPD Accredited Certificate of Completion that will certify that you are now ready and qualified to practice globally as CPD SO certified ‘Metabolic Health Coach’. Additionally, you will also be listed on the platform as a CPD SO certified MH practitioner!
So, what are you waiting for? Enroll into India’s most prestigious and now the world’s biggest CPD accredited (60 Hrs) TCR/Low-carb Course — LOW CARB NUTRITION & METABOLIC HEALTH DIPLOMA — and kick-start an internationally recognized, respected and a rewarding new career!
Congratulations Anup
Congratulations Anup SIngh and
Congratulations to dLife!