7 Reasons Why: 7 Indian LCHF/Keto Diet Plan Salad Recipes That Will Simply Bowl You Over

Low Carb LCHF Diet Plan Salads Keto Diet Plan Salads

You just can’t go wrong with a salad. Salad to the food world, is what yoga is to the fitness world. The USP of a salad is its adaptability. Your favourite protein added to a salad can very simply transform it into a complete meal. What needs special mention is the salad dressing – your choice of dressing could potentially make or break your macros. Use home-made dressings with the highest quality ingredients to make your salad bowl come alive. Not sure how to do that? Tune in to our chefs’ specials and be inspired.

Salads and soups play a big role in the LCHF/Keto diet. They contribute greatly to feelings of fullness and help activate the gastric stretch receptors critical for feedback loops involved in the process of digestion. It is almost impossible to eat very large quantities of high fat foods without feeling completely grossed out. This is where fillers like Soups and Salads get the job done without messing with one’s overall carb consumption. Try them out and see for yourself the difference they can make.

  1. Indian Low-carb LCHF & Keto Diet Plan Salad Recipe#1 vegetarian: Calorie: 500 kcal, Carb: 6%, Protein: 6%, Fat: 88%, By: Kalyani
  2. Indian Low-carb LCHF & Keto Diet Plan Salad Recipe#2 vegetarian: Calorie: 226 kcal, Carb: 12%, Protein: 16%, Fat: 72%, By: Meena
  3. Indian Low-carb LCHF & Keto Diet Plan Salad Recipe#3 non-vegetarian: Calorie: 653 kcal, Carb: 7%, Protein: 31%, Fat: 62%, By: Jade
  4. Indian Low-carb LCHF & Keto Diet Plan Salad Recipe#4 non-vegetarian: Calorie: 957 kcal, Carb: 4%, Protein: 27%, Fat: 69%, By: Ramgopal
  5. Indian Low-carb LCHF & Keto Diet Plan Salad Recipe#5 vegetarian: Calorie: 841 kcal, Carb: 9%, Protein: 5%, Fat: 86%, By: elle jay
  6. Indian Low-carb LCHF & Keto Diet Plan Salad Recipe#6 vegetarian: Calorie: 710 kcal, Carb: 15%, Protein: 12%, Fat: 73%, By: Jade
  7. Indian Low-carb LCHF & Keto Diet Plan Salad Recipe#7 non-vegetarian: Carb 6g/serving. By: elle jay


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