Low Carb Nutrition Diploma Course From NAAC Accredited Autonomous Institute In India

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Low Carb Nutrition is a niche specialty within the larger framework of Nutrition Studies. With lifestyle diseases taking over the world and its hapless occupants, the science of Low Carb (LCHF, KETO) is more relevant today than ever before. What started as a few loose cannons challenging existing erroneous guidelines, has now snowballed into a movement that is hard to ignore. It is hardly surprising that the toughest of nay-sayers are now having a re-think about Low Carb diets. Love it or hate it, Low Carb Nutrition is here to stay.

Fad diets come and go. Expert opinion can be all over the place, with said professionals doing a 180 without warning and often without scruples. Official guidelines change albeit reluctantly, almost always unapologetically and for the most part, AFTER the ship has sailed. We have but one life and we don’t have 30 years to waste until official guidelines catch up with common sense.

If you feel lost, cheated and angry, don’t worry, you are not alone. Success has evaded us because the odds are very deliberately stacked against us. The system is designed to be imperfect so the susceptible, the gullible and the vulnerable will keep going around in circles. We have been looking for answers from the very people who specialize in keeping the truth under wraps. Multi-million dollar empires have been built up on the huffs, puffs, pants and sighs of distraught people who have tried EVERYthing, pulled out all stops and still failed.

We are not talking about weak-willed people with no discipline who suddenly spiraled into a vortex of gluttony and slothfulness. This imperfect system takes sadistic pleasure in blaming and shaming its “victims”. “Eat less, move more”, is a slogan that has been etched into the public’s psyche. These dated and archaic belief systems need to change. To fight this unfair war, we need to educate ourselves, but first we need to unlearn the falsehoods that were once force-fed to us.

David Perlmutter says, “The science is clear: There’s an indisputable link between what we eat and our general ad even mental health. So why don’t Doctors receive more significant nutritional training, either in Medical school or during their residencies?” This is the reality we’re currently living in. It is said that few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can change a small portion of events. This then, is our humble attempt to do exactly that.

This Low Carb Nutrition Diploma Course is brought to you in collaboration with Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore – an NAAC Grade Autonomous Institute with a ‘College with Potential for Excellence’ (CPE) Status from UGC, New Delhi. Our courses are certified by an autonomous educational institute of repute in India and we can assure you of its complete legal tenability.

dLife Academy’s Low Carb Nutrition Diploma Course is earmarked for Graduates, Nutritionists, Doctors and Business professionals invested in the Low Carb food business scene. Spread across a period of six to twelve months, Low Carb Nutrition in all its depth and breadth will be covered in this comprehensive course. The course concludes with a one-month internship on the dLife.in community portal.

dLife.in is a unique community that is powered by its members. Living a Low Carb life day after day can be trickier, particularly in the Indian context. Watch and learn the practical aspects of applying Low Carb Nutrition in day-to-day life as shared by our members in the forum.


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